Aperez wrote:

Nikolas Britton wrote:

Chris Hodgins wrote:

Nikolas Britton wrote:

Alfredo Perez wrote:


I just updated my ports and installed Firefox. I have installed
Firefox version 0.9.3. How can I update it to version 1.0?


PS: I am running FreeBSD 5.3

Your post is a bit ambiguous. did you have 0.9.3 on your system and wanted to upgrade to 1.0 or did you update your ports but it installed 0.9.3?

What I would do:

my ports-sup file:

#*default host=cvsup14.us.FreeBSD.org
*default host=cvsup12.us.FreeBSD.org
#*default host=cvsup1.FreeBSD.org
#*default host=cvsup.FreeBSD.org
*default base=/var/db
*default prefix=/usr
*default release=cvs tag=.
*default delete use-rel-suffix
*default compress

> su
# cvsup -g -L 2 /root/ports-supfile
(normally i'd just run pkg_version -v |grep "<" and if needed portupgrade after cvsuping, if I was upgrading something like Gnome or KDE i'd exit X)
# cd /usr/ports/www/firefox
# make deinstall
# more M*
# make WITH_OPTIMIZED_CFLAGS=yes install clean
# exit
> rehash
> firefox&
> exit

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Could his problem be that he has simply not fetched the index?

I normally do:

# cvsup -g -L2 /usr/ports-supfile
# cd /usr/ports
# make fetchindex
# portsdb -u

and then I would try reinstalling it using the method above.

I don't think that would keep him from installing the newer version after he cvsuped, system might complain or manually rebuild the index but thats it. After the portupgrade problem with index and how long it takes to rebuild the index I now do this now too. also I run pkgdb -F or pkgdb -Fu and portsclean -C before running portupgrade -arRwW and after I run portupgrade I run portsclean -CDD and then clean out the old libs, that is...if portupgrade had no errors. He emailed me and said he was installing it for the first time, I think he just didn't do the cvsup part correctly.

Okey, I just updated my ports following your instructions. I saw in the Makefile file that the port version is equal to 1.0 ( before was equal to 0.9). Now, what should I do next::

Desinstall Firefox and install it again and then I run pkgdb


First run pkgbd and then install Firefox

Desinstall Firefox and install it again and then I run pkgdb -F. umm but since you updated your port sources I'd just run portupgrade, you do have it installed?, and upgrade everything, it will take awail and if portupgrade bitch's about py24-* (used for gnome, gtk stuff) you'll have to umm I think manually deinstall and then reinstall it or pkgdb -F or something like that, I can't remember. just know that when they change the port from py23-* to py24-* portupgrade didn't like it and would not upgrade the port. its up to you if you just want to rebuild firefox or do the whole shebang.

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