
On Wed, Feb 02, 2005 at 05:19:36AM -0800 or thereabouts, saravanan ganapathy 
> 1) Install portupgrade
> 2) Sync ports 
>      Ports-supfile contains as 
>     *default host=cvsup10.us.freebsd.org
>     *default base=/var/db
>     *default prefix=/usr
>     *default release=cvs tag=.
>     *default delete use-rel-suffix
>     ports-all
> ( or should I change tag=RELENG_5_3 )

  This tag (RELENG_5_3) is for system cvsup not for ports cvsup. In case
  of system cvsup tag=. means to get 6.0-CURRENT. For ports cvsup (which
  is what I presume you want) tag=. is correct.

> 3) portsdb -Uu
> 4) portversion -v
> 5) portupgrade -arR  { to upgrade from all the lower
> versions of applications )

  I would recommend you to use also -b switch in portupgrade (like
  -abrR) to preserve replaced version of software you are upgrading.



martin hudec

   * 421 907 303 393
   * http://www.aeternal.net

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