On Wed, Feb 02, 2005 at 04:49:23PM +0100, Dick Hoogendijk wrote:
> You're so right ;-)
> Main problem (at least to me) is almost everytime *what* is important
> data and what is not? I don't mean my personal stuff (that's the easy
> part), but more, which control files and (fine) tunings on the running
> system do I not want to loose? /etc and /usr/local/etc are very
> important data dirs, but what others are too?

Save everything, just to be sure.

The following strategy has helped me to keep track of run-control files:
In my home-directory, I've created a directory named setup. If I want to
change one of the run-control files, the first thing I do is make a copy
of that file in ~/setup (or a relevant subdirectory), where I check the
unmodified version in rcs(1) with ci(1). Next I check out the files
(with co(1)), make the changes I want and check them in again. The last
step is to copy the modified run-control file back where it belongs.

This way you'll have a single point where all changed run-control files
are stored, and thanks to RCS you can even easily see what the changes
were between versions.

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