On Fri, Feb 04, 2005 at 02:19:16PM +0530, Akhthar Parvez. K wrote:
> Hi All,
> I have recompiled kernel to include SMP. Thereafter, I can see the load is 
> greater than or equals 5 at any time.
> I can see that system is taking above 50% of server resources in this server.
> CPU states:  5.8% user,  2.1% nice, 51.7% system,  4.8% interrupt, 35.5% idle
> Mem: 1716M Active, 1056M Inact, 354M Wired, 121M Cache, 199M Buf, 240M Free
> Swap: 2048M Total, 1068K Used, 2047M Free
> I have never seen that system uses above 50%, in my other server, it's near 
> 2%. Any idea??

Well, what is using the CPU?  The rest of the top(1) display will show
you (you may need to use top -S).


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