On Sat, Feb 05, 2005 at 09:46:38AM -0800, Gary Kline wrote:
> On Fri, Feb 04, 2005 at 10:57:04PM -0800, Loren M. Lang wrote:
> > On Thu, Feb 03, 2005 at 06:15:18PM +0100, Gert Cuykens wrote:
> > > I am looking for a media player that supports the oss sound driver,
> > > easy to install codex, and uses the gtk2 libs ?
> > 
> > xine is by far my favorite media app and has the best support for
> > playing dvds with menus.  It can use win32 codecs pretty well too.  It
> > doesn't use gtk2, but still has a very nice gui.  mplayer is also pretty
> > good, it can play dvds, but no real menu support that I've seen and
> > win32 codecs also work.  It has a gtk2 gui, but I think it's horrible.
> > I use just it's plain window interface and just use keyboard shortcuts
> > to control it.
> > 
>       Can you (or anyone!) clue me in on how xine works?
>       Apps like RealPlayer just-work{TM}; mplayer has no
>       Quit button; xine looks lke something from Pluto.
>       (Does xine work with links? netscapr7?  )

Just hit q in mplayer to quit.  Plain old mplayer doesn't have any kind
of gui besides the video window and is completely controlled through the
keyboard and/or command-line options.  There is a gui version called
gmplayer, but I really don't like it.  It's just too buggy.  xine works
like pretty much any other video player program, but some of the skins I
think are harder to identify the buttons.  My favorite skin is xinetic,
which is usually the default.  Try man xine and man mplayer for more

>       gary
> -- 
>    Gary Kline     [EMAIL PROTECTED]   www.thought.org     Public service Unix

I sense much NT in you.
NT leads to Bluescreen.
Bluescreen leads to downtime.
Downtime leads to suffering.
NT is the path to the darkside.
Powerful Unix is.

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