Hi all

I am running zebra in freebsd.
but can I have feature like cisco iso?
I got the document from cymru about icmp and udp as

I tried the dummynet but it is not working properly!
If you have this experience about dummynet working
fine in router, please share to me.

Thank you

 ! Allow UDP to occupy no more than 2 Mb/s of the
 rate-limit input access-group 150 2010000 250000
250000 conform-action transmit exceed-action drop
 ! Allow ICMP to occupy no more than 500 Kb/s of the
 rate-limit input access-group 160 500000 62500 62500
conform-action transmit exceed-action drop
 ! Allow multicast to occupy no more than 5 Mb/s of
the pipe.
 rate-limit input access-group 170 5000000 375000
375000 conform-action transmit exceed-action drop

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