On Tue, Feb 08, 2005 at 03:38:27PM +0100, bsd @ todoo. biz wrote:
> Hello,
> I've tried to configure a bind server in a chroot jail and am facing a 
> problem with /dev/random
> Thaugh I've read the man mknod I have to say that this didn't help me 
> in solving the problem.
> When I start named with the -g switch here are the error.
> >08-Feb-2005 15:18:22.551 errno2result.c:109: unexpected error:
> >08-Feb-2005 15:18:22.551 unable to convert errno to isc_result: 6: 
> >Device not configured
> >08-Feb-2005 15:18:22.551 could not open entropy source /dev/random: 
> >unexpected error
> >08-Feb-2005 15:18:22.551 using pre-chroot entropy source /dev/random
> I've used the following mknod command :
> mknod /var/named/dev/null c 2 2
> mknod /var/named/dev/random c 2 3
> and also tried :
> mknod random c 245 0
> mknod null c 2 2
> I've chmod 666 the two files and make shure they are owned by bind:bind 
> // ??

You forgot to mention what version of FreeBSD you're running.  If it's
5.x, you need to mount an appropriately configured devfs inside the
jail.  See the jail and devfs manpages.


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