From: stheg olloydson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Now as to the "need" to change the logo, to quote the announcement,
> "This character sometimes treated with misinterpreted in the
> religious and cultural context." Over the years, the only complaints I
> have ever heard have come from America's Taliban. Leaving aside the
> question of whether or not the complainers are in a position to make
> any sort of IT decision, one must ask what is their motivation for
> complaining. They are simply trying to force their religious orthodoxy
> on others. These are the same people trying to eliminate the barrier
> between state and church to make the United States into a theocratic
> country. Therefore, these complaints can be categorized as coming from
> an irrational minority that should be ignored.

Please keep your personal politics and cultural bigotry off of these lists.
There is no "America's Taliban", and the use of the term is used solely to
incite emotions. Thinking that just because people share you views on
operating systems they must also share you views on religion and foreign
policy is sheer hubris.

I realize that geeks and hackers tend to be irreligious, and Open Source a
collection of global communities, but not until today have I seen such
anti-Christian and anti-America bigotry in the FreeBSD community. Is this to
be the new standard of discourse? If so, tell me now so I can avoid the rush
in switching to another BSD.

As a Christian I am not in the least offended by Beastie. But I am getting
quite offended by people stereotyping my religion, nation and culture.

David Johnson
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