On Wed, Feb 09, 2005 at 04:22:02PM -0800, Matt Olander wrote:
> hey gang,
> We've got a customer that is considering a network expansion while moving
> from Linux to FreeBSD.
> They are big users of MySQL and have been running it on Linux.
> Most of the information that I've found is a bit old, but I guess my
> question is if LinuxThreads should still be used or if MySQL works well
> under FreeBSD using native threads.
> The customer has looked at Jeremy's blog article on this issue, but this is
> pretty old:
> http://jeremy.zawodny.com/blog/archives/000697.html
> Also, does anybody have any FreeBSD 5.3/MySQL benchmarks? I searched the
> mailing lists but didn't turn up anything.

Hot off the press:

Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm
not sure about the former.                        -- Einstein (attrib.)

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