> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Dag-Erling
> Smørgrav
> Sent: Saturday, February 12, 2005 3:12 AM
> To: Ted Mittelstaedt
> Cc: Robert Marella; freebsd-questions@freebsd.org; Garance A Drosehn
> Subject: Re: Why in the world you should have a vote: was RE: Please
> don't change Beastie to another crap logo suchas NetBSD!!!
> "Ted Mittelstaedt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > With BSD, the copyrights on it are held by the University of Berkeley
> > and by the FreeBSD Project.
> No, they aren't.  RTFS.  Just a couple of examples:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~% grep -r 'Copyright.*Dag-Erling' /usr/src | wc -l
>       59
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~% grep -r 'Copyright.*Poul.Henning' /usr/src | wc -l
>      109
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~% grep -r 'Copyright.*Matt.*Dillon' /usr/src | wc -l
>       30
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~% grep -r 'Copyright.*Network.*Associates' /usr/src | wc -l
>      334
> (about a third of the code in the latter category was written by yours
> truly under contract)

OK, so I didn't go look at every little port and piece in the project.
I was trying to dumb the explanation down for someone who was quite
obviously totally clueless about the philosophy of the software he
was using.  It was not to denegrate any contribution that anyone has

But this does point out that you people when you put your stuff into
the distribution and you don't assign over the copyright to The FreeBSD
Project, that you need to submit this to the documentation
people so they can update


I don't see why you are so proud of not doing this.  Is it your
intention to cause problems for companies that want to use FreeBSD
in their products?  This sort of thing is exactly what the
chicken littles like Anthony are talking about.  It isn't going
to matter to some lawyer charged with vetting the code to make
sure that using it in a company's project is OK, that your and
the other's copyright is equivalent to the BSD one.  He is going
to see this and wonder why it wasn't disclosed in the docs where
it should have been, and what else is being hidden.

And in any case, if you want to get into this, the C compiler carries
GPL without which it is impossible to build the OS, and as that copyright
is fundamentally different than either
the BSD copyrights, or the copyrights of yourself and the others
listed, it is a much more serious issue and I don't understand why
you didn't bring it up.  Although, at least, it IS disclosed in
the appropriate place on the website.


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