Ramiro Aceves wrote:

I although have observed that in this list, some of you hate Linux.
I have never seen insults to FreeBSD in the Debian e-mail lists. They some times talk about some experiences about FreeBSD, but never say things like " such crap FreeBSD ......" as I have heard here many times.

I have a friend who refused to touch BSD because "BSD sucks". In any way FreeBSD didn't behave as Mandrake, it was because "BSD sucks". Why isn't it bash? why isn't it vim?, etc. And you have the endless posts, "BSD is dead", you have the endless flames on which licence is superior. etc.

Within the Linux community you will find people who will respond to any problem, "just use <this distro>, I use it, and it solves exactly your problem on <that distro>". I can't count how many times I have heard, "Mandrake is the RedHat that works", "use Debian, then you don't have to worry about dependencies", or "use RedHat, you want business, right?", "yeah, I tried <that distro> too it sucks" ... etc.

I think that regardless of your choice of OS, you will allways find passionate people arguing why their OS/distro is better, and most have some valid points - but do these points apply to you?

Obviosly, I use FreeBSD because I think it is the best, why whould I choose a product I think is inferior? It really doesn't make sense to ask this sort of question unless you clearly define the criterias.

Cheers, Erik
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