On Feb 12, 2005, at 4:01 PM, Anthony Atkielski wrote:

Vonleigh Simmons writes:

Rat Bastards at FreeBSD that don't break into the companies, steal the
code, and port their apps.

I don't understand this comment.

I can go months without rebooting. My NT machine has gone for nearly a
year without a reboot.

*looks up your IP*

My IP won't tell you what uptime I have on my systems, although Netcraft
can tell you how long the production server has been running (but I can
save you the trouble: I booted it 26 hours and 50 minutes ago, because I
had thought that I had soft updates turned off).

Um...methinks he was referring to finding your IP to crack your system since you just announced you don't update it...

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