On Feb 11, 2005, at 7:54 PM, Anthony Atkielski wrote:

On a related note:  Balmer's big mouth hasn't killed Windows
yet either.

Only because Gates built the company up into a successful multinational with a lot of inertia before Balmer took the helm. But that big mouth is still a liability for the company. Fortunately for Microsoft, most of the competition is just as clueless (look at people like Larry Ellison or Steve Jobs, and Balmer almost starts to look wise).

I am not a Steve lover, but lumping Jobs in there with Balmer and Ellison is not fair. Steve has a lot more respect than that and uses his bully-pulpit well.

These mailing lists are not official mouthpieces of the FreeBSD

Where _is_ the official mouthpiece? CIOs want to know. Whom do you
call? Who commits? Who signs on the dotted line? Not knowing these
things makes executives nervous, and they don't adopt products that make
them nervous, even if they are free.

Linux has the same problem.

Linux does have the advantage that their are *commercial companies* that have evolved around it, so you can purchase support from Novell, Red Hat, etc if you want. FreeBSD unfortunately does not have that branch available. However, your same criticisms of FreeBSD support also apply to Linux and it has been doing pretty well.

If the FreeBSD projects website, official announcements, etc were like
this, you'd have a case.

The Web site actually looks pretty amateurish compared to the competition. It screams "shareware hobbyist" rather than "enterprise solutions center."

Linux seems to be doing pretty good and look at


www.freebsd.org is not bad at all. It does not scream "shareware/hobbyist." It is reasonable for a project like FreeBSD. FreeBSD is an open source community project.

Linux has the same problems as FreeBSD.

Now, I agree with you about a logo needing to be designed for FreeBSD. And there are probably pay-for-support companies that will help you with FreeBSD, and maybe they need to get more "air time". But open source is catching on and FreeBSD doesn't suffer from anything that open source in general doesn't suffer from.


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