On Feb 13, 2005, at 1:30 AM, Anthony Atkielski wrote:

They exist.   A friend of mine had one running on w2000 several years
ago logging into hi BSD and Linux boxes using xterm. It worked
reasonably well.

How much did he pay for it?

I don't know which one he used. Sorry.

Many of the ones I saw cost hundreds or
thousands of dollars, and there was still no guarantee that they'd work
well. The few free ones I tried did not work well at all. I'm still
interested in learning more, though. However, I won't run x-anything on
my FreeBSD system unless it will run without destabilizing changes to
the OS (no change in securelevel, no kernel reconfiguration, no special
system software modules or daemons).

You can install the X libraries and client apps on your server -- this works fine at secure level 3 and does not require kernel configurations changes or special daemons or anything. What it allows you to do is then link software against the X libraries and then redirect the display to your workstations X server. This meets your criteria and can be handy for certain things. Your apps still run in userland only and there is no HW touching stuff. You are not running the X Server on your FBSD Server machine.


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