MikeM wrote:
On 2/12/2005 at 8:30 AM Napper wrote:

|Enough already.
|Please take *all* the off-topic postings to freebsd-chat.

Good suggestion. For a moment this morning I thought I had stumbled into the -advocacy or -chat group in error....

As I have posted a few times... And to Anthony - You are wrong. THIS list isn't about discussing the pros and cons of one OS over another, one program over another, your personal views on FreeBSD over Windows - it's a list where users "ask questions" (thus the meaning of the list name, FreeBSD-Questions.

You sir (Anthony) are the biggest contributor of the off topic/list discussions. YOU sir, are the one wasting bandwidth and baiting users into turning the few threads here into days if not weeks of propaganda crapola in.

Some users have stopped reposting to the threads that you feel you must continue to post your point of view (and the point of view that you seem to be making is the only one true point of view).

Take your posting to the proper lists. If you don't know what they are, here's a helping hand ...

1. FreeBSD-Chat
2. FreeBSD-Advocacy

You are more then welcome to toss your hat into the ring of debate/bash/praise etc when done in the proper areas devised by the folks at FreeBSD.

Now again - please discontinue your on-going rantings in THIS list. Please, for the sake of all mankind - take it to where it belongs.

And to the others that can't seem to follow the list rules - please, halt your postings to the few threads that Anthony is flooding the list with and carry them to the proper place.

Now ... Back to your regularly tuned program...

Best regards,

No matter what happens, there is always somebody
who knew that it would.
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