Anthony Atkielski wrote:
Ramiro Aceves writes:

How can I trust on a company that creates such a bad OSes?

Most companies that write operating systems don't do a very good job of
it on the first few tries.  The older Mac OS (the one that preceded Mac
OS X) was of the same generation as 16-bit Windows 3.x, and had the same
defects.  That doesn't mean that Apple was "untrustworthy," only that it
couldn't afford to build a new OS from scratch.

Today, most operating systems are a net loss financially.  You have to
depend on the peripheral effects of the OS to make up for the loss of
creating it.

My girlfriend has got WinXP professional (is it sopoessed to be NT
base, is not it?) and from time to time she calls to me horrified to
say that she has a new problem with her machine: viruses, spyware,
malware, things that suddenly stop working, etc. I start trembling
each time it happens. :-/

You need to change girlfriends, not operating systems.  If she would
stop clicking on e-mail attachments, reading HTML e-mail, visiting
questionable sites, and so on, she would not have problems with viruses,
spyware, or anything else.  These things do not ship with the OS.

Yes, they do what Windows teached them, pointing and clicking "accept" without reading what the computer says.

We have to live with that.

No, we don't.  Some of us just skip the GUI and run more stable and
secure systems in consequence.  Servers don't need GUIs.

You dont skip the GUI for your windows the same as I do not skip it on my Linux or FreeBSD.

Linux and FreeBSD do it perfectly, as it have the same software


If the Winbugs were well designed that should not happen.

Exactly the same thing was happening long before Microsoft ever existed.

For me Linux/FreeBSD works, why should I use Windows?

You should use whatever works.  But for most people, the things they
wish to do require Windows.

The things I use, do not require Windows.

Windows is not free, I have to pay money and I do not have the source

That's true for most of the world's software.  Writing it all off
because it's not free and you can't look at source is an extreme and
unnecessary sacrifice in most environments.

Why should I pay for software that it is a like a "black box",
when I can use great free OSes?

Because it does what you require?

I can not afford paying a license for every piece of software I use.

Some licenses are really cheap.  I believe the record for low cost in my
case was $5 for a shareware product.

How can I use the GIMP, xcircuit, pcb without a GUI ?

Well, you can just use _equivalents_, just as people suggest to me when
I point out the necessity of Windows.

Anthony, I think that we have very different points of view, and we are never going to agree in this subject. So the best thing we can do is closing this unuseful thread and concentrate in what we have in common: FreeBSD. We are wasting very valuable bandwidth on the list. Last days this e-mail list was almost unreadable, and we are showing a very bad aprearance to the newcomers.

Thanks for your time.

PS: I promise myself not answering any controversial question on this list anymore. ;-)

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