On 15 Feb Timothy Smith wrote:
> Stijn Hoop wrote:
> >On Tue, Feb 15, 2005 at 02:34:24AM +0100, Anthony Atkielski wrote:
> >
> >>MSIE has traditionally followed HTML standards more closely than
> >>almost any other browser.  Firefox does pretty well, tough; Opera
> >>much less so.
> >
> >Thank you for giving me another reason to killfile you again, after
> >you resurfaced without your vanity domain. You clearly don't know
> >jack about the things you write. Maybe you could write some code
> >instead of exploding the lists with drivel.
> >
> >*plonk*
> >
> hah well said sir

I think most of the time Anthony *does* know what he writes about but
does not care enough to be honoust about *all* the facts. In Holland we
also had a person like him -silent for quite some time now- polluting
a list with propaganda and twisted truths about windows/linux things.

Discussion will *never* silence such a person, nor will polite questions
do the trick. They feed on response. The only way we got rid of this
person was to *totally* ignore everything he wrote about. *Everything*!
It took quite a while before everybody understood this to be the way to
go. As long as people keep on responding, Anthony's will florish..

As he once said (one of the things I agree about): a killfile is no
solution; it's the easy way out; a bit childish even ;-)

dick -- http://nagual.st/ -- PGP/GnuPG key: F86289CE
++ Running FreeBSD 4.11 ++ FreeBSD 5.3
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