On Tue, 15 Feb 2005 14:34:46 +0100, Ruben de Groot
> Hi,
> On Mon, Feb 14, 2005 at 08:57:28PM -0800, Jeff BSD typed:
> > Hi-
> > I'm in the process of upgrading a 4.6 system to 5.3.  When I boot the
> > machine it gets to:
> How are you doing the upgrade? There are some specific steps about
> upgrading from 4.x to 5.x all the way down in /usr/src/UPGRADING.
> Also, I believe only upgrades from 4-STABLE are supported, so since
> 4.6 is pretty old, you probably should upgrade in 2 steps: 4.6 ->
> 4-STABLE followed by 4-STABLE -> 5.3 (This counts for source upgrades,
> not binary upgrades)
> > ----
> > init: bin/sh on /etc/rc terminated abnormally, going to single user
> > mode
> > Enter root password, or ^D to go multi-user
> > Password:
> > ----
> >
> > I enter the password, then:
> >
> > ----
> > Enter full pathname of shell of RETURN for /bin/sh:
> > pid # (sh), uid 0: exited on signal 12
> > init: bin/sh on /etc/rc terminated abnormally, going to single user
> > mode
> > Enter root password, or ^D to go multi-user
> > Password:
> > ----
> >
> > Round and round I go.
> >
> > Sounds like I broke /bin/sh to me.  I've messed around in safe mode
> > but I can't see how I can use it to possibly fix my problem, assuming
> > I did do anything to /bin/sh (which I don't think I did -
> > intentionally/directly that is).
> >
> > How do I fix it so I can boot it?  A bit of the chicken and the egg,
> > what?
> Yes, it sounds like the easiest way for you would be to boot from a 5.3
> installation CD and just do a binary upgrade. The problem is you now
> have a mixed 4.6/5.3 system with out-of-sync binaries, libs and kernel
> and there really isn't much fun in trying to troubleshoot that.
> If you want to continue down this road, there is a chance that you can at
> least get a working shell by entering /rescue/sh on the above "Enter full
> pathname of shell of RETURN for /bin/sh:" prompt. From there you can use
> other tools from /rescue (if they were allready installed before your
> system got hosed) to try and finish the installworld
> G'luck
> Ruben

Thanks all-
Turned out I was booting the wrong kernel (new kernels are in
/boot/kernel/... duh!)  Took me hours to figure that one out.  As
always, upgrading provides a unique learning experience.  Your advice
was useful and appreciated however.

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