On Thu, 17 Feb 2005, Greg 'groggy' Lehey wrote:

On Wednesday, 16 February 2005 at 17:20:24 -0800, Tony Tung wrote:


I have an unusual problem I was hoping someone could help me with.  I have
a FreeBSD 5.3 server that's been up for longer than a month.  In that
period, everything seemed fine.  However, all of a sudden, I'm no longer
able to spawn a shell in emacs.  In fact, I cannot start any process
(shell, gdb, grep, compile) inside emacs.  It is happening to all the
users, which makes me wonder if there's some OS-related issue in play

I've tried restarting emacs, bypassing the emacs startup file,
reinstalling emacs, and just about everything I could think of short of
restarting the server (don't want to do that until I'm physically

It would be worth attaching a ktrace to the Emacs to see what it's doing. Something like this:

 $ ps aux | grep emacs
 root    12978  0.0  1.3 12880 9832  p5  R     8Oct04 222:09.31 emacs
 $ ktrace -i -p 12978
 (in Emacs, do your thing)
 $ ktrace -C -p 12978
 $ kdump | less

You should then look for a call to fork or execve and see what errors
are returned.



Strangely enough, that seems to have fixed the problem. Other users are seeing a return to "normal" behavior as well.

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