On 02/18/05 16:31:06, christophe Desfontaines wrote:

i have a problèm when i compil my kernel

this is my file :


Cpu             i686_CPU
Ident           MONNOYAU

device          bpf

#Usb support
device uhci, ohci, usb, udbp, ugen, uhid, ukbd, ulpt, umass, ums,urio, uscanner

#usb ethernet
#device aue, axe, cue, kue, rue
#Firewire support
#device firewire, sbp, fwe

and the log of " make " command was.

Umass.o(.text+0x14f3) : In funtion’umass_cam_attach_sim’ :
: undefined reference to ‘cam_simq_alloc’

umass is usb related. You can remove all usb stuff from the kernel and load only the modules you need. If there is a problem with your source files cvsup again.

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