On Thu, Feb 17, 2005 at 10:04:22PM -0600, Jamie Ostrowski wrote:
>     I'm running 4.10-p5 on my workstation at home, and I can't understand
> why I cannot get www.foo.com to resolve to an IP I am specifying in
> /etc/hosts (I want to over-ride the IP returned by the nameserver I query
> by default).
> in /etc/hosts:
> 199.xx.xx.24  www.foo.com.

Remove the . at the end of com.  Finishing domain names with a period
like that is only used in bind's zone files, nowhere else.

> in /etc/host.conf:
> # $FreeBSD: src/etc/host.conf,v 1.6 1999/08/27 23:23:41 peter Exp $
> # First try the /etc/hosts file
> /etc/hosts
> # Now try the nameserver next.
> bind
> # If you have YP/NIS configured, uncom
> (I have no nsswitch.conf file in /etc)
> But when I try to resolve www.foo.com from the command line, I am getting
> the IP address from the nameserver from the outside world rather than the
> IP from /etc/hosts. I am not running a local named on this machine,
> either. Any ideas?
>     - Jamie
> The Moon is Waxing Gibbous (71% of Full)
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