On Wed, Feb 16, 2005 at 04:04:55AM -0800, Vonleigh Simmons wrote:
        I asked this question before but I haven't found a solution. I'm
getting in my mail log the following entry repeated:

usr/local/libexec/mlock[755]: (64) not setgid mail

        And I can't figure out what it's complaining about. Below is the
previous thread questions which ruled out some things. Any help
resolving this issue is greatly appreciated.


While looking at that thread again I found this also from Dan Nelson: --- The code that does the check is this:

struct group *grp = getgrnam ("mail");
if (!grp || (grp->gr_gid != getegid ())) die ("not setgid mail",EX_USAGE);
Looking up the man pages I see that getegid gets the group id of the calling process.

What is the calling process to mlock? I tried setting ipop2d, ipop3d and imapd to group mail but that didn't change anything.

Vonleigh Simmons <http://illusionart.com/>

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