On Sun, Feb 20, 2005 at 11:54:49PM -0800, Kent Stewart wrote:
> On Sunday 20 February 2005 10:51 pm, Gary Kline wrote:
> > l
> >     Guys,
> >
> >     I've got sseveral HTML files with O-aigu and O-grave and
> >     others (these files were composed on  a Mac. Rather than
> >     display as ['] (apostrophes) or backticks, they are rendered
> >     in full 8859-1.
> >
> >     How to I translate these > 128 range characters?  I'm
> >     wedged.
> When people do this, they are supposed to use the á, à, 
> and etc. Then, their browser does the correct display on their OS.

        I didn't explain myself very well, sorry.  Befow is a line
        from od -c on the index.html file.  I'm not sure how this
        will be rendered in the different mailers, but in mutt with
        nvi, the "B" is surrounded by two iso8859-1 characters.  
        In mozilla, same way.  It is meant to be `B'.  I've got over
        28 files with what should be apostrophes and bcktcks rendered
        this way. putchar() outputs these characters in 8859 form
        --as characters. printf("0%o", ch); gives me their octal
        values.   But trying to catch them with getchar() and it
        fails.  gcc says that '\0325' is a dounle-wide.  

        Maybe "od -c" is seeing this file as 16-bit characters...

 r   h   y   m   i   n   g       Ô   B   Õ       w   o   r   d


   Gary Kline     [EMAIL PROTECTED]   www.thought.org     Public service Unix

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