Ramiro Aceves <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Hello FreeBSD friends
> I have a question about ports. I have installed FreeBSD 5.3 on a AMD
> 400 MHz machine with 64 MB RAM, so it is not a fast machine for
> compiling big programs! :-). The problem I am going to tell you,
> happened to me several weeks ago into another slower machine (Pentium
> 75 in which there is no OS now), and I can not remember some details,
> so  I am sorry if I am not too acurate. I suppose I will run into this
> problem again with the AMD machine so I would like to understand it
> better.
> 1- I  installed mozilla 1.7.2-2,2 from the packages on the CDROM.
> 2- I cvsuped the ports collection.
> 3- I installed and compiled some programs from the updated ports collection.
> 4- Mozilla did not work anymore cause in needs atk-1.6.1.
> Mozilla in the package is 1.7.2_2,2 and depends on atk-1.6.1
> If I install programs from the updated ports tree, atk-1.8.0 was
> installed for another port and atk-1.6.1 removed, but mozilla on the
> CDROM package wants atk-1.6.1. So, If I try to install again from the
> cdrom, it cant cause atk-1.8.0 is installed.
> Compilling mozilla in this slow machine is not reasonable, so:
> Can I download a more updated mozilla package acording to my updated
> ports collection? I have browsed pkg_add man pages and believe that
> the environment variables PACKAGESITE and PACKAGEROOT need to be set
> so that pkg_add can fetch more updated packages. Am I right? Where
> should they point to?

If you are going to mess around with those, it's probably easier to go
directly to one of the FTP sites and download the package by hand.
For example, on ftp2.es.freebsd.org, you could get the package file 
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