Olga Zenkova schrieb:
I use sendmail with full log and see how sendmail
(configured with dspam with verbose debug) begins to
speak with itself... (sendmail creates replyes - new
processes - new letters with dspam debug data). Can't
understand at all why dspam doesn't write its debug
information to its own (dspam) log files. Did you use
verbose debug?

For debuging purpose I am using verbose debug. Tho - for productive systems you shouldn't do so!

On my server DSPAM logs to /var/log/dspam/dspam.debug
and /var/log/dspam/bnr.log etc. ...

Yes, I use POP server, but sendmail with dspam doesn't
put letters to mail boxes. They stayed in queue.

Did you follow the instructions which can be found on the DSPAM Wiki? For example did you setup:


And did you follow this hint:

The order that these directives appear in the config file is important! Also, make sure you comment out all references to PROCMAIL_MAIL_PATH, local_procmail (inside a FEATURE block), and MAILER(procmail).

I am pretty lost if it comes with Sendmail. So if this does not help
maybe someone else on the list with some mor Sendmail experience
can help ...

--- "Daniel S. Haischt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

First of all I have to admit that I am not a
expert cause I am now using Postfix for years ...

I had the same effect while using Postfix because I
was re-injecting mails into Postfix. You must
that you are not re-injecting mails into Sendmail

I for instance did setup the following mail chain

 -> Internet
       `-> my Postfix MTA
            |           ^
            |           |
            `-> ClamAV -´
            `-> DSPAM
                  `-> Cyrus

As you can see my ClamAV virus scanner re-injects
a mail message back to Postfix, but DSPAM finally
delivers the message (e.g. to an IMAP daemon).

Do you want to deliver your mail message to an
IMAP or POP server?

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-- Mit freundlichen Gruessen / With kind regards DAn.I.El S. Haischt

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