----- Original Message -----
From: "Anthony Atkielski" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <freebsd-questions@freebsd.org>
Sent: Wednesday, February 23, 2005 9:28 PM
Subject: Creating a boot diskette that does nothing but boot from hard disk

> Is it possible to create a boot diskette that does nothing more than
> boot from a specific hard disk?  How would I go about doing so?
> If I can't figure out why my system won't boot from the hard disk on its
> own, I figure that perhaps I could create a diskette to pop into the
> machine that would simple boot immediately from the hard disk.  It
> shouldn't require much code and should easily fit on a single diskette.
> The method I'm using at the moment of changing floppies for ten minutes
> then entering the loader and changing parameters and booting is much too
> awkward.
> --
> Anthony
I now that there is a boot loader named fatload you can find it on
you can install it with dd.

If that dont work you can write a program that loads a sector (boot sector)
to your RAM
memory and then jump there. Sounds simple but you musst not forget that you
should switch
 to protected mode from real mode.

But I think fatload will work just fine. Good luck!
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