Anthony Atkielski wrote:
Mike Hauber writes:
Well... There's a lot of options available. Personally, I prefer
something like blackbox for administrative logins. It's _very_ lightweight and (like all things should be), you pretty much build it from the ground up.

What do you mean by building it from the ground up?

What do I get when I type startx by default?  It looks extremely simple,
whatever it is, just a few simple windows in green borders on a rather
irritating gray crosshatched background.

Yeah, ugly as f... fleas on a dog, isn't it?

I found fluxbox to be a very nice window manager. Very lightweight, useable, and stylish enough to make people's heads turn and ask you what you're running. And the coolest bit is... tabbed x-terms! Just like Mozilla and web pages.

No doubt other managers have this feature, but once you've used it it's very hard to go back.

Fluxbox installs straight from ports, no trouble at all. I seem to recall there being two versions, ancient and current. Make sure you get the current one.

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