On Thu, 24 Feb 2005 22:18:01 +0100, J65nko BSD <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Wed, 23 Feb 2005 14:45:16 -0600, Darryl Hoar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Greetings,
> > I setup djbdns on a freebsd server attached to my internal network.
> > It answers for the local machine on the domain for my internal while
> > forwarding all others to our ISP for resolution.
> >
> > I set this up a 2 years ago and haven't needed to do a thing other
> > than to add/remove machines.
> >
> > Well, now I need to change the domain name from osborneindustries.com
> > to osborneinternal.com.  Unfortunately, I haven't found any documentation
> > that takes you through the changes to convert and already running
> > tinydns/dnscache
> > setup from one domain name to a different one.
> >
> > Anybody have any pointers here ?
> Change directory to the tinydns data directory (cd
> /service/tinydns/root) , edit your tinydns data file. Editing can be
> done in one sweep with
> # mv data data.old
> # sed -e 's/osborneindustries.com/osborneinternal.com/g' data.old >data
> Now run "make" to generate a new "data.cdb" file from the edited
> "data" file. Tinydns will notice the change, no need to start/stop or
> give a -HUP to tinydns.
> The only other thing left is to tell dnscache about the change.
> # cd /service/dnscache/root/servers
> You will see a file called "osborneindustries.com" The contents of
> that file is the IP address of your tinydns server. Rename this file
> with "mv" to "osborneinternal.com"
I forget to mention that a restart of dnscache is needed

# svc -t /service/dnscache

At http://www.freebsdforums.org/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=25244
you can find a comfortable "dnscachectl" script to start/stop and many
other things with dnscache.

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