On Feb 26, 2005, at 7:40 AM, Anthony Atkielski wrote:

Jon Drews writes:

If you think the FreeBSD community is a "nightmare" then why are you
sticking around except to stir up strife ?

It's the closest thing to support available for FreeBSD. There's nothing else.

I am sorry, but I get the same level of support here that I do in the Windows list, if not more. And that is all I have for WIndows as well?

What? You want me to pay for Windows support? Then pay for your damn BSD support! There are consultants and companies you can pay for your FreeBSD support that will offer you much better support than you get now.


I do note, however, that only about 10% of my questions to the list actually generate useful answers. The other questions either get no replies at all, or vague replies that really aren't useful, or pure guesses. One gets the impression that nobody really knows anything about FreeBSD, or, if anybody does, he never replies to this list.

Indeed, the only messages that generate replies are those that suggest
that FreeBSD is anything other than sweetness and light.  Serious
questions about how to use the software are met by a deafening silence
in too many cases.

That's why I say what I do on my Web site.  Anyone thinking of running
FreeBSD in a production environment needs on-site experts to deal with
it, because they'll never get any help from anywhere else.


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