I have encountered an unusual issue where the behavior is different between FreeBSD 4.6 and 5.3. If I login and then su to root successfully, then do a su to a non-root user I get:

pam_login_access: pam_sm_acct_mgmt: user-id is not allowed to log in on /dev/ttyv0

In chasing this down it appears that the restriction is coming from login.access which does have a limitation to prevent the non-root user from logging in. Only members of the wheel group are permitted to login. That restriction is essential to this system. However, I don't understand why su is concerned about that. I need su to switch me to that user. I suspect this may be controlled by PAM but haven't been able to figure out just where that would be. How can I make su work like it does in 4.6?

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