On Sun, Feb 27, 2005 at 03:53:30PM +0100, Anthony Atkielski wrote:
> messages:Feb 27 14:48:17 freebie kernel: ad10: TIMEOUT - WRITE_DMA retrying 
> (2 retries left) LBA=4848803
> messages:Feb 27 14:48:17 freebie kernel: ad10: FAILURE - WRITE_DMA timed out


> Is there a way to work backwards from the LBA to the filesystem so that
> I can see which file was being referenced when this occurred?

Theoretically, one could use 'fsdb -r' in a scripted manner, to
generate a mapping of file names to blocks (relative to the partition
of the file system you are mapping). Once you have the blocks, you'll
need to do so artithmetics to map those blocks to LBA address ranges
(perhaps via GEOM or using data in disklabels). Finally, you'll have
to locate the range for a particular LBA address and work backwards
up to the inode #, and then to the filename(s) that link to that inode.

Perhaps there's already a system utility or port for this? It would be
really useful!

> Anthony


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