On Mon, 28 Feb 2005 14:58, Ward Willats wrote:
> Hello Everyone.

> I just bought me a spiffy new amd64 box with an nvidia GeForce 6600
> card. I am running Freebsd 5.3/amd64 and xorg.
> Though I love the games, my most important need for this machine is
> to do software development -- so I don't need the 3D stuff at all
> right now.
> I tried the OSS nvidia driver -- it didn't detect the screen.
> The "nvidia-driver" port does not work on amd64 (I think I remember
> it complaining...)
> The nvidia site has 64 bit binaries for Linux, but if there is a
> magic way to "wrap" them for use in FreeBSD I don't know what it is.
I can't help you. But, maybe you add a "me too" and list your hardware to this 
NVIDIA AMD64 on FreeBSD thread?:

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