Hi all,

>From FreeBSD 4.5 I use ipfw on freebsd-box with 3 NIC card.

Now I'm in FreeBSD 5.1. I've see in FreeBSD 5.3 there are pf and ipfw, why
there two versions ? The ipfw is always maintened ? Or I need to switch to
pf ?

Why can I do with PF that I can't do with ipfw ? 

I've ask this because I «known» ipfw and the syntax of pf is strange to me,
and I want known if it's good idea to learn pf.


Albert SHIH
Universite de Paris 7 (Denis DIDEROT)
U.F.R. de Mathematiques.
Heure local/Local time:
Tue Mar 1 23:39:06 CET 2005
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