On Wed, 2 Mar 2005, Dan Nelson wrote:

In the last episode (Mar 02), Andreas Davour said:
I've tried to compile and link a small game written with the Allegro
API. For some odd reason the linker just don't understand how to
resolve the symbols in the library. It just can't accept that the
library is in a ".so" file and not an ".a" archive, and even when I
point it out explicitly it still don't get it.

This is my commandline:

gcc main.o rotoAction.o rotoCog.o -o RotoCube.exe -lstdc++ -L/usr/local/lib/ 

and the errors I get looks like this:

/usr/local/lib//liballeg.so: undefined reference to `_poly_zbuf_atex_trans8'
/usr/local/lib//liballeg.so: undefined reference to 

This is the linker saying "there are symbols in liballeg.so that I cannot find anywhere". Maybe you need to specify another library along with liballeg? Are you using the allegro port?

I have grep'ed for those symbols and they come from liballeg.so, no place else. That's one of the very confusing things with those errors.

I'm using the allegro port. BTW, there is a linux-allegro port as well. Why is this needed if Allegro is a platform independant API?


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