On Thu, 03 Mar 2005 15:56:26 -0600, Paul Schmehl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Sure.  Use visudo to edit /etc/sudoers and set:
> root    ALL = (ALL) ALL
> wheel   ALL = (ALL) ALL
> If NOPASSWD is in there, take it out.

There isn't any NOPASSWD, but if I give the password the first time,
sudo doesn't ask for it anymore in the next 5 min or so...

> Sudo doesn't ask for *root*'s password.  It asks for *your* password.  If
> you knew root's password, you wouldn't need to use sudo.  You could use su.

I think I really misunderstood the purpose of sudo. I thought that it
was used to automatically login as root, give a command, and log back
out to user who invoked the command.
So what's the purpose of asking for the password of the actually logged in user?

Thank you

Pietro "Piter" Cerutti

Beansidhe - SwiSS Death / Thrash Metal

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