On Fri, Mar 04, 2005 at 12:03:34PM -0500, Chris Shenton wrote:
> Gary Kline <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >     Another couple things.  With XFree, I set the DefaultDepth'
> >     to 8; now, on both computers it is maxed out at 16.  If I
> >     do set the default depth to 8, xdm fails.  (It "tries" to'
> >     initialize, then something clicks/resets, the screen
> >     flashes grey for an instant; repeats infinitely.)  
> I'm on 5.4-PRERELEASE#15 built last evening, running Xorg-6.8.1, and
> noticed the same click-crash-burn-repeat when I dropped from 24 or 16
> to 8 bits.  No idea why, I was trying to be conservative to test
> something else.  Was fine when I set it back to 16 or 24.

        AHHH.  Samw symptons, different day.  I first used 
        startx to get my ye-ancient twm window manager,  and 
        startx works at 8 bits.  But the screen still shimmies/quivers
        or whatever.  But only if I use cc to build a large port
        or if I mess around with some GUI app.


        PS:  If XFree is to "staid" or slow-to-change, xorg is
             tearing exactly the other way.  My $0.02 worth.

   Gary Kline     [EMAIL PROTECTED]   www.thought.org     Public service Unix

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