On Sat, 05 Mar 2005 17:22:37 -0800, Ross Penner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi, I searched the archive to no avail on my problem altough I'm sure it's
> quite simple.
> I have an aureal vortex 2 sound card which I would be quite happy to use,
> BUT, I'm having a hang up when installing the port 'sound/aureal-kmod'. I
> get the error message:
> ===>  aureal-kmod-1.5_5 You need to extract kernel source tree before
> building this package.
> sounds woefully simple but I'm at a loss. My freebsd install is about a
> month old and I've yet to have audio sucess. I'm running 5.3
> Thanks in advance for your words of wisdom.

You should use subject lines when writing emails.

Anyways, more to the point.  It wants freebsd's kernel source.  I
generally recommend keeping all of the freebsd source around, but the
maybe "easiest" way to get the source is to run sysinstall
(/stand/sysinstall) and go to Configure -> Distributions -> src -> and
then select at least sys (the kernel sources).  Good luck :)

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