I'm Running FreeBSD 5.3 and Apache2, compiled from Ports.

I'm setting up a series of VirtualHosts in Apache. Apache runs fine
otherwise. The vhosts that are not working are under:
/data/vhosts/<domain.com>/{www,logs}/ (where /data/ is a single
filesystem on it's own harddrive). Here is a sample vhost entry:

NameVirtualHost *:80

<VirtualHost *:80>
    ServerName www.motionsiren.com
    ServerAlias motionsiren.com
    DocumentRoot /data/vhosts/motionsiren.com/www/

Logs go to the general log file to KISS for now. All the directories
(and files) involved are executable by all. Im starting to think it's
my /data filesystem because another VirtualHost, works just fine. i.e:

<VirtualHost *:80>
    ServerName bpk.deepdream.org
    DocumentRoot /usr/home/bkeating/public_html

My access_log reports a 403 when i try to hit www.motionsiren.com and
my error_log reports:

[Wed Mar 09 13:00:37 2005] [error] [client] client denied
by server configuration: /data/vhosts/motionsiren.com/www/

Any Ideas? Do I need to setup a Directory directive for /data..../?
Thanks for reading.
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