On Thu, Mar 10, 2005 at 07:31:09AM +0000, Sergei Gnezdov wrote:
> I like the size of the xterm window.  It is small and it uses very
> easy to read font.  Unfortunately, it does not play very well with
> emacs.  For these reasons I use Gnome terminal.  Gnome font is bigger,
> thus it takes more space on the screen.  How do I identify which font
> is used by xterm, so I can apply it for gnome terminal?
> I also would like to know why my ~/.Xdefaults configuration is not
> applied in Gnome.  It worked just fine in KDE and most other
> environments.

I can't answer this question, but want to chime in on this thread just
because I had the same question a few weeks ago, but could never figure
it out.  I poked around my system and Googled until I was blue in the
face, but came up with nothing.  The reason is that I had recently
switched from rxvt to urxvt (for Unicode support) and the default font,
or whichever one it ended up grabbing) looked awful, but I liked very
much the font that rxvt was using.  I even ran a kernel trace on the
program in an attempt to figure out what font it was settling on, but
was only able to get a partial answer from that, as the font lines were
truncated.  As I say, this doesn't help, but I post here only in the
hope that perhaps another post to the thread will catch someones eye who
might know how to figure out what font a particular X terminal is using
when it hasn't been explicity set already.


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