On 03/13/05 12:09:24, Fafa Diliha Romanova wrote:


There's been a lot of mess in my ports lately.
I want to get rid of this:

pkg_delete: package bsdpan-libwww-perl-5.800 has no origin recorded
pkg_delete: package bsdpan-libwww-perl-5.800 has no origin recorded

Which pops up every time I install/deinstall a port or package.
I have done a 'pkgdb -F' which seemed to work.

Upon 'portsdb -uU' I get:

It looks like a problem with /var/db/pkg. You have time to wipe
/var/db/pkg and remove all ports? Try portmanager before you wipe your ports and db.

Have you cd /usr/ports && mkae fetchindex?

Stop in /usr/ports. No such file or directory - /tmp/INDEX8274.0 portsdb: index chmod error

chmod error? Are you root or what?


So what is this?

Also, can anybody tell me if these commands are all I need to
do a full cleanup and upgrade of my ports?

This is my /root/make.PORTS:


cvsup -g -L 2 /etc/cvsupfile && pkgdb -F && portupgrade -ra && portsdb
-uU && portupgrade -ra && pkgdb -F

Don't do pkgdb unattended, you may need to answer questions. You could skip all this index stuff if you use portmanager. But you need
/var/db/pkg in good condition to use pormanager, I think?

Thank you all so much!

All the best,
-- Fafa

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