On 03/13/05 15:57:23, Chris Hodgins wrote:
Michael C. Shultz wrote:
On Sunday 13 March 2005 12:38 pm, you wrote:

Michael C. Shultz wrote:

On Sunday 13 March 2005 12:05 pm, Fafa Diliha Romanova wrote:

If I just do:

cvsup -g -L 2 /etc/cvsupfile && portmanager -u

Do I need portupgrade at all then?


Not for upgrading. portsclean (a part of portsupgrade package) is a nice feature of portupgrade, so is pkg_which and a few others so I keep portupgrade around just the same.


How long does it take to run portmanager. Is it a similar amount of
time as portupgrade for each run?


That is a tough question here is how it tends to work for me:

First I run it everyday since I'm developing it I have to know if there
is anything changed in ports that is going to cause portmanager to
crash. Most days it takes less than an hour, but sometimes when
just one lower level port like gettext for example is updated it may
take 24 hours to finish. I'm using a 1ghz machine with both gnome
and kde (all together about 300 installed ports) as an example.

Here is exactly how portmanager works:

First dependent ports that are out of date are upgraded, then everything
that depends on them are upgraded. portupgrade does not work this same way so the time comparison is very tough to predict.


Ah I see. So portmanager is sort of doing the equivelant to: portupgrade -fr myOutOfDatePort ??

Does this not mean it will always be slower than portupgrade? If it a low-level port it is going to take ages but if it is high-level it will start to get closer to the time it takes for portupgrade to run. Never faster? Or am I missing something.

Is there a reason it does it this way over portupgrades method?

I think there is no big difference between just running portupgrade vs portmanager. I would say portmanager is better and faster because you don't need to baby sit, it is really automagical, and there is no messing with an index. To upgrade one high level port will take that same time on both, if you don't have to pkgdb -F or fiddle with the index. If it is a low level port portmanager will likely take longer, but get it done right the first time. If portupgrade finishes first it likely missed some cross dependancies and you will have to do it by hand after you have done some trouble shooting. The best part about portmanager for is NO RUBY!

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