On Wed, Mar 16, 2005 at 10:00:44AM -0600, Nathan Kinkade wrote:
" As another poster mentioned, the problem is likely related to DNS, and I
" have experienced it as well.  If you are using Privilege Separation,
" then an sshd process will chroot itself into /var/empty before
" performing authentication.  /var/empty is itself usually empty.  One
" thing you can do is to make the dir /var/empty/etc and then drop a copy
" of your /etc/hosts file into the newly created /var/empty/etc/
" directory.  You might want to make sure that the hosts file contains a
" mapping to the LAN machines which you want to ssh from.
" Keep in mind that /var/empty has the schg flag set, so you won't be able
" to copy anything to it without disabling this first.  See more at `man
" chflags`.  Try something like this:
" # chflags -R noschg /var/empty
" # mkdir /var/empty/etc
" # cp /etc/hosts /var/empty/etc
" # chflags -R schg /var/empty
" This will likely clear up your problem.
" Nathan

Thank you, Nathan. Can I put soft link into /var/empty/etc (this
is crossdevice link, and I can't put hard link in it)? And does I
realy need -R key in last command which you recomended? This mean
that directory /var/empty/etc has schg flag too. Is it nessesery?

Sensory  yours, Eugene  Minkovskii
Сенсорно ваш,   Евгений Миньковский
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