Hello All,
I just finished installing fbsd for the 8th time. I just want to get it up
and running so I can start learning to use it . I have not gotten X to work yet
on the bsd box yet....except when I used an old 4MB card. But X was too slow.
Here is my setup now:
My main computer is WinXP (because the rest of the family uses it). It is
connected to Adelphia cable modem via a D-Link, DI-524 wireless router. My
Daughter is connected to internet via the WLAN. My freeBSD box is connected to
modem via a crossover cable. bsd box has 96MB of RAM, Riva-TNT 16MB videocard
on a intel 440 EX MoBo.
I was going to use the bsd box as a router/firewall, but i don't know
enough yet...so it is just a stand alone station. My problem right now is that
I want to be able to see the rest of the network from the bsd box. I cannot
ping the other 2 machines. And without X, I am not sure what to use to see if I
am hitting internet with it. Yeah...I know i'm a newbie.
any thoughts
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