On Sun, 20 Mar 2005 12:08:49 -0800 "Michael C. Shultz"

||>On Sunday 20 March 2005 11:53 am, Bob Ababurko wrote:
||>> Gerard Seibert wrote:
||>> >On Sun, 20 Mar 2005 10:22:23 -0600 Chris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
||>> >||>Robert Slade wrote:
||>> >||>> Hi all,
||>> >||>>
||>> >||>> Is it just me, but I've had 2 Ebay Phishing e-mails to this
||>> >||>> e-mail address that I only use for this mail list. Both mails
||>> >||>> where from Comcast users !!
||>> >||>>
||>> >||>> Rob
||>> >||>
||>> >||>Sounds like someone from Comcast is on this list AND using a
||>> >||> Windows box AND is infected.
||>> >||>
||>> >||>Shame on you
||>> >||>
||>> >||>--
||>> >||>Best regards,
||>> >||>Chris
||>> >||>
||>> >||>If you have always done it that way, it is probably wrong.
||>> >
||>> >********** Reply Separator **********
||>> >Sunday, March 20, 2005 1:35:28 PM
||>> >
||>> >1) Did you actually confirm that the email originated from Comcast
||>> >2) Did you report the email to Comcast as well as [EMAIL PROTECTED]
||>> >3) Why does it have to be a Windows box? Anyone can access this
||>> > forum and harvest email addresses.
||>> >
||>> >--
||>> >Gerard Seibert
||>> >
||>> >They say that a dog is man's best friend. I do not believe that. How
||>> >many of your friends have you had neutered?
||>> It is most likely it is a windows box that has been copromised due to
||>> one of the slew of M$ vulnerabilities.  Some crafty programmer has
||>> turned this box into a zombie and installed a mailing package or a
||>> proxy server and is sending mail from it in concert with thousands of
||>> others just like it...al behind one keyboard.
||>> -Bob
||>Just to be fair towards the OS used by common folk,  a few months ago I 
||>set up a gateway machine with FreeBSD 4.11 and made the mistake of 
||>running it on my DSL line without first setting up a firewall, shutting 
||>off sendmail and unused ports. (due to lazyness impatience on my part)  
||>It took only a few hours for someone to find the open relay and use it!
||>I didn't even know until Verizon sent me an email saying I was a  bad 
||>boy and they were shutting off my email access for 24 hours, which they 
||>did!  Bottom line is it can happen to anyone.

********** Reply Separator **********
Sunday, March 20, 2005 5:17:20 PM

Thanks Mike, that is exactly my point. Far to many individuals blame
Microsoft for every conceivable thing that happens without first fully
investigating the actual event. There is a very good chance that
Microsoft software may be at the heart of this matter; there is also a
change that O.J. Simpson is innocent, but we do not really have to go
there. For all we know, these addresses could be harvested by an
individual using a MAC.

The point is that as soon as someone starts using an OS other than
Microsoft, they are lulled into a totally false sense of security, which
anyone with any real knowledge knows is simply BS.

If someone like yourself can make a mistake like you described, think
how easy it is for a novice to accomplish the same feat. Worse yet, they
will not even be aware that they have compromised either their own or
some others security because of their incompetence.

Gerard Seibert

Support your local medical examiner; die strangely!

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