On Tue, 22 Mar 2005 10:25:14 +0100, Anthony Atkielski

> Exactly.  With _identical_ hardware.  So if the hardware ran under the
> other OS, but not under this OS, where do you look first for the
> problem?

Both, actually.
> If your car runs perfectly for years with one brand of oil, and then you
> change brands and the engine seizes, where do you look for the source of
> the problem?

Both, actually.

> I'm just pointing out the unavoidable implication of what you said.  NT
> ran on this hardware for eight years without a hitch; FreeBSD cannot do
> the same.  It's not the hardware.

So stick with NT. Why would you change from something that runs
perfectly for 8 years?

> UNIX is twenty years older than NT.

That doesn't mean nothing has changed in 20 years, does it? 

> I wanted to try FreeBSD.

And your hardware seems to not work very well with FreeBSD. Move on.
> Is that what you tell people who have trouble getting FreeBSD to work?
> "Reinstall your old OS"?

That's not what has been said. Having read this thread (and others by
you previously) you have no intention of helping yourself. You just
like to whinge that FreeBSD doen't work on your hardware.

> --
> Anthony

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