I'm jumping into this late but this guy screams TROLL and i had to put
my comments in..

On Tue, 22 Mar 2005 10:25:14 +0100, Anthony Atkielski
> Freminlins writes:
> > On a different OS.
> Exactly.  With _identical_ hardware.  So if the hardware ran under the
> other OS, but not under this OS, where do you look first for the
> problem?
Ya know I work in tech support and many times people call with
modem/network/whatever not working right and their biggest argument
when I tell them it may go out is: it worked fine for x number of
years why would it go out now? and everybody knows sometimes things go
wrong and there is no explanation for it.
I'm not saying it's a problem with the hardware....but by ignoring the
advice people have given, then criticizing something that several
people who have spent thankless hours with no compensation guaranteed
for any of their work and calling it trash is just a sh*tty thing to
do all around. My experience with this mailing list consisting of
people who range from casual users to experienced programmers has been
great. Every question (which I haven't had many) I've asked has either
been answered outright or pointed in the right direction to look. So
attacking the people who run this list is the wrong way to go about
solving a problem.
> If your car runs perfectly for years with one brand of oil, and then you
> change brands and the engine seizes, where do you look for the source of
> the problem?
> > Don't try and put your words in my mouth.
> I'm just pointing out the unavoidable implication of what you said.  NT
> ran on this hardware for eight years without a hitch; FreeBSD cannot do
> the same.  It's not the hardware.
> > On your ancient hardware with an ancient OS you didn't have problems.
> UNIX is twenty years older than NT.
> > Why not stick with it if it's been so reliable?
> I wanted to try FreeBSD.
> Is that what you tell people who have trouble getting FreeBSD to work?
> "Reinstall your old OS"?

In my experience I would rather have people who can think for themself
than someone who comes asking for direct answers right now. If you
have trouble getting FreeBSD to work and are unwilling to take advice
from people who are originally trying to help you and throwing it out
the window then heck yea try something else besides FreeBSD 'cause it
ain't for you...

> --
> Anthony
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