On Fri, 25 Mar 2005 11:44:54 -0600, Dan Nelson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> In the last episode (Mar 25), Gert Cuykens said:
> > When you open a shell window in joe and do for example man radeon and
> > push enter to scroll down it puts byte... before each line
> >
> > byte 844       ing ATI chips
> > byte 865
> > byte 866       R100        Radeon 7200
> >
> > how do you get rit of byte...
> That's actually your pager doing that.  Joe's "terminal emulator" when
> in shell mode is exceedingly simple, only understanding newline and
> backspace.  You can run "man radeon | cat" to avoid going through any
> pagers, and just use pgup/down to page through the text from within
> joe.

Alrigdy that defenatly works :) thx
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