Hi fellow BSD'ers,

I am having real problems with dhclient and connections dropping
sporadically, sometimes a minute and others 10 hours or anything
in between. The setup is 5.3 running PF, the box is connected to a
router+modem running in half-bridge mode which requires DHCP.

After a couple of weeks of searching and trying to establish whether
the problem was my router, firewall, other security settings or the
dhclient I have found David Gerard's workaround email titled:
      'WORKAR?OUND: dhclient problems in 5.3-RELEASE'.

In his email he mentions getting dhclient-2.0pl5 from isc.org which I
decided to get, however on the site they are only offering versions
3.0.2 and 3.0.3b1.

I am trying to keep the number of installed ports to a minimum on the
server that needs to run the DHCP client, so I do not want to install
much although I may install a different FTP client if needed.

If I try and ftp to ftp.isc.org, the standard ftp client with FreeBSD
does not seem to work with the site, I get

229 Entering Extended Passive Mode (|||24431|)
500 Bad EPRT protocol.
500 Illegal PORT command.
425 Use PORT or PASV first.

and if I try PASSV I get

?Invalid command.

So my questions are:

o Is the dhclient-2.0pl5 in the ftp site ?
o If so can I get ftp to work with the site (I am behind a pf firewall)
  with NAT ?
o I can navigate the ftp site and maybe get so if I cannot get ftp to
  work with the site if someone could let me know the path, I might be
  able to get the file ?
o Where else that is trusted may I get the src ?
o Will version 3.0.2 also solve the problem ?

Thanks for any help on this matter.

Tim Preece

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