Anthony Atkielski wrote:
> Today I ran offline diagnostics against the SATA drive that I suspected
> of causing DMA errors and two system crashes.  These offline diagnostics
> confirmed a problem with the drive and eliminated FreeBSD as a source of
> the problem.  I replaced the drive and I'm watching to see if any of the
> mystery errors in FreeBSD return (at this point I don't expect them to,
> since it seems to have been a defective drive).
> It took a tremendously long time for me to figure out how to fix up the
> new drive for use.  I'm still not sure what I finally did that
> apparently was in the right order and formatted everything correctly.

That's good news - I'm glad to hear that you are progressing with your
issues. Once you have these items under control - you ought to have a
more enjoyable experiance with whatever OS you wish to use.

Best regards,

Keep emotionally active,
cater to your favorite neurosis.
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