I sticky this thread as retarded.

> Apparently you can't read. I didn't say you were an
> idiot for running your own server. Only that you
> were an idiot to use your server to download
> tons of crap from lists that you don't want to
> read when for free you can have it stored elsewhere.
> I have a server, and a domain (several) and lots of
> other cool stuff. I got tired of wasting cpu cycles
> and disk space, considering that maybe 1 out of 20
> messages actually interests me. You guys always
> complain about wasted bandwidth. Well if you use
> yahoo or gmail or aol then you don't waste any bandwidth
> of your own. You just read what you want to read.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Chris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Cc: freebsd-questions@freebsd.org; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Sun, 27 Mar 2005 10:31:58 -0600
> Subject: Re: A Riddle
> >-----Original Message----- 
> >From: Fabian Keil <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> >Sent: Sat, 26 Mar 2005 21:59:59 +0100 
> >Subject: Re: A Riddle 
> >> [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
> >>> --- Chris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
> >>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
> >>> > Hmm, I wonder if the lack of performance, or the 
> >>> unwanted 
> >>> > emails were more heavily weighted in the 
> >>> decision? 
> >>> > 
> >>> > If there was any intelligent life on the list you 
> >>> could 
> >>> > counter what you call "Trolls" with solid technical 
> >>> > arguments. This reminds me of the old bsdi 
> >>> > list. A bunch of half-wits who are just happy 
> >>> > to belong to something and have other half-wits 
> >>> > to correspond with. 
> >>> > 
> >>> > FreeBSD used to have open discussions between 
> >>> > users and developers and it used to be real 
> >>> > good. Now it sucks and the developers are 
> >>> > detached, off in their own little world. See 
> >>> > a pattern? 
> >>> > 
> >>> > But with a user base from places like gnu-rox.org 
> >>> > and makeworld.com, what do you expect I 
> >>> > guess? 
> >> > Please have a look at your own email address. 
> >>> As an aside, all of the major web mail providers 
> >>default to "top posting". Google (ever hear 
> >>of them?) only shows the top N lines of a post. 
> >>So if you bottom post, you don't see the message 
> >>you want to see 
> >>without having to make an effort. So when are 
> >>you troglodytes going to climb out of your 
> >>1994 hibernations and get with the times? 
> >> > They don't default to top posting, they put 
> >the cursor on top, so you can read the whole 
> >message and cut irrelevant parts before replying. 
> >> If Google doesn't display the whole message, 
> >the interface is crap. That's not the fault of 
> >anybody on this list. 
> >>> You may prefer one over the other, but its 
> >>hardly a capital offense to do otherwise. Most 
> >>of us have evolved out of our unix newsreaders. 
> >> > If you want to be read by as many people 
> >as possible on this list, the easiest way is 
> >to write well formed mails. 
> >> Unfortunately, you are not only top posting, 
> >your mailing software also inserts line breaks 
> >where there shouldn't be any and makes it 
> >hard to see who wrote what. 
> >> Have a look at the beginning of this mail. 
> >Your quotation is a mess. 
> >>> Anyone with a brain is using web mail for 
> >>mailing lists these days: no more whining 
> >>about spam or "wasted bandwidth". 
> >> > Having a brain is good, but using it is even better. 
> >If the web interface produces garbage, changing 
> >the interface could be a smart move. 
> >> Just my two brainless cents. 
> >> Fabian 
> >-- > http://www.fabiankeil.de 
> > 
> *** Formatted correctly for ease of reading *** 
> >WRONG on all counts! 
> > 
> >Firstly, anyone who uses their own server for lists is 
> >a complete idiot. 
> So - according to YOU, most all of us that run our own servers are 
> idiots. Yanno what? You sound like the type that is forced to use his 
> parents PC, Forced to use AOL, and forced to use web mail. 
> So - since YOU can't have what most of us can and do have, you feel the 
> need to lash out and verbally abuse. 
> This is a classic case of the have-nots are beside them selfs over the 
> haves. 
> It's one thing to say something like: 
> It's my opinion that (insert rhetoric here) 
> Then to make a sweeping generalization as you just did. Shows us what 
> kind a man (or boy) you are. 
> Grow up - show some respect, don't insult - you will live longer when 
> you do join society. 
> And, as I said before - even tho you may bash us, think you are 
> superior to us - we still love you anyways. 
> Oh, and have a great day! 
> -- Best regards, 
> Chris 
> If on an actuarial basis there is a 50 50 chance that 
> something will go wrong, 
> It will actually go wrong nine times out of ten. 
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